
Understanding Adult ADHD Course


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Understanding Your Adult ADHD Course

About Bernadette

Bernadette is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with decades of experience working with families and
adults diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis of ADHD.

As well as experience of living with a neurodiverse family, she is the founder of ADHD Lancashire and has been a topic expert on ADHD for the Nice Guidelines.

About the Understand Your ADHD Course

This course is for adults recently diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis of ADHD. partners and loved
ones are welcome to join us.

This course is delivered over 4 weeks, interactively over 90 minutes Zoom session in the evening.

What the course covers:
ï‚· A greater understanding of adult ADHD
ï‚· Co-occurring conditions as ADHD rarely comes alone
 Time blindness – are you constantly running behind or underestimating time?
ï‚· Procrastination – finding it hard to get started, especially with difficult or mundane tasks?
ï‚· Medications and how they work with the ADHD brain
ï‚· Natural alternatives to medications to boost your Dopamine levels
ï‚· Tips and strategies to help you to become organised, have awareness of time and reduce
time blindness, and stay on task or even complete those half-done projects
ï‚· Useful resources
ï‚· Workbook for notes on your weekly sessions.

We keep our groups small, to give you time to explore what you have learned and ask any questions you may have. It’s an amazing opportunity to meet other adults on a similar journey, in a safe non-judgemental environment.

Recent Feedback:

Jayne from Manchester – Adult with ADHD

My first session was amazing. It was the first step toward teaching me to focus my energies and
begin to move forward.

Bernadette has a calm and comforting aura and enables you to share in a secure and safe space. Already making changes in my approach to challenging hurdles.


Hayley from Burnley – Adult awaiting diagnosis of ADHD

Really informative and non-judgemental group sessions. When in the process of a possible diagnosis (or even after a diagnosis) it’s really difficult to know what information is useful and trusted.

Within the group the information is made clear and concise and it’s always comforting to hear other people’s experiences. The group is very relaxed and open and was really enjoyable to attend.


Cost & Booking
£149 for the 4 week course

Book your place today as places are limited



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