
Tania Stedman Coaching

(1 customer review)
(1 customer review)

About Tania:

I am an EMCC accredited transformational coach specialising in ADHD and have completed the Kings College Hospital ADHD course.

I have 30 years’ experience in healthcare both clinically and in management which allowed me to realise my passion for working with people, and helping to guide them through times of disruption, transition and challenge.
Coaching and mentoring informally in this healthcare setting was what led me on to train formally as an accredited coach so I could dedicate this chapter of my career solely to helping individuals look beyond what they believe about themselves and develop their true potential.

While there can be huge positives in having a neuro-divergent brain, for so many, the challenges that can also come with this can feel life limiting and overwhelming and it is here where ADHD coaching can give so much benefit.
I believe that the words ‘deficit’ and disorder’ in the title of ADHD would be much better served by being exchanged for the word ‘difference’ and it is within these ‘differences’ of thinking patterns where we would work together to uncover your own personal nuances of having ADHD, and look to implement an array of strategies and techniques that can help to mitigate many of the challenges that having ADHD brings to you personally.

In our work together, I would encourage you to stop trying to ‘fit in’ with the neuro-typical world, which takes so much of your energy, but instead, to appreciate your own ‘brand of brilliance’ and really look to embrace that. Most importantly, I try to bring as much fun into the sessions as possible - change never seems so hard when it is enjoyable and it has been the greatest pleasure to watch as many clients successfully employ new strategies under the umbrella of ‘fun’ and report back to me that they have had the best time implementing some new practice that has really helped them.
Following each session, I will email you with the key points that we have discussed and the takeaways of things you have agreed to implement/trial before our next session. We would then recap on these briefly at the start of the following session, discussing areas that have worked well or not so well for you. Additionally, you would have access to me in between sessions via WhatsApp, during office hours, should that be helpful.

I believe that to experience our truest wellbeing, our mind, spirit and physical body need to be in alignment. To that end, I am an avid follower of all who publish and talk on ‘the positive abundance mind set’. I practice meditation/ mindfulness and I am a Reiki Master.


Complimentary 20 minute video discovery call (Teams/Zoom/Whatsapp)
Accepts Access to Work funding
1 Hour video session with follow up email £105
Provides corporate ‘Neurodivergence in the Workplace training



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Visit website: https://www.sandongauvain.com/

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1 review for Tania Stedman Coaching

  1. Ronke Oke

    Tania is a breath of fresh air, I have really enjoyed working with her and I have so many takeaways to act on.
    I wanted to work with someone who understands me and my needs and someone who can navigate this extraordinary gift that is ADHD.
    Tania genuinely ticks all those boxes
    I look forward to our sessions and will happily let everyone know that this is who you should have in mind if ever you have lost your way in life.
    Tania will steer you in the right direction from the comfort and familiarity of your own home.

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