
Reece Smith | Naturopathic Health Coach and Professional Chef



Hi there! I’m Reece Smith, and my passion lies in helping individuals and families affected by ADHD. I’m dedicated to using natural methods and good nutrition to make a positive impact and lifelong changes, whether supporting individuals or helping parents understand ADHD and assist their children.

With qualifications as a certified, accredited Naturopathic Health Coach and a Professional Chef, I’ve spent over a decade perfecting my nutritional skills. I’ve earned degrees from Westminster Kingsway College and the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. I have travelled to Asia and many parts of the world to learn Ayurvedic practices to enhance my naturopathic knowledge.

My personal journey with ADHD has been an adventure of discovery and growth. Diagnosed at age 11 and then re-diagnosed 17 years later in adulthood, I’ve faced the challenges with determination and managed to stop taking stimulant medication completely. I have self-medicated using food as medicine and found many holistic ways to nurture and support my ADHD sustainably; I would love to share this with you.

Through my work, I’ve collaborated closely with many inspiring people and seen excellent results using my methods. Food isn’t just fuel but medicine. The right food will significantly improve ADHD symptoms. Supporting the body using nutrition during medication or preparing to start/stop medication is an essential process. There are many factors for successful treatment plans.

Session details:

Welcome to our ADHD coaching sessions, where we embark on a transformative journey tailored just for you. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Coaching services offered:
• Personalised Naturopathic ADHD Health Coaching: I provide comprehensive support and guidance tailored to your needs and goals.
• Culinary Coaching: Learn how to harness the power of nutrition and culinary skills to optimise your well-being.
• ADHD Parent Coaching: Empowering parents with insights, dietary advice, and strategies to support their children effectively from day one.

2. Approach and method:
• Holistic Approach: I believe in addressing ADHD holistically, integrating nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and mindset shifts.
• Practical ADHD Strategy Coaching: Together, we’ll develop practical strategies that fit seamlessly into your daily life, promoting sustainable changes using CBT techniques and creating the ideal diet plan for the ADHD brain.
• Personalised Guidance: Each session is personalised to your unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring meaningful progress.

3. Specialised areas of ADHD Challenges:
• ADHD Management: Whether it’s coping with impulsivity, improving focus, or managing emotional regulation, I specialise in addressing various ADHD challenges.
• Nutrition and ADHD: Dive into the role of nutrition in managing ADHD symptoms, exploring how specific foods and dietary adjustments can make a profound difference.
• Parental Support: For parents navigating the complexities of ADHD, I offer tailored guidance and resources to empower them in supporting their children effectively.

In our sessions, we’ll work closely to unlock your potential, overcome obstacles, and cultivate a thriving life amidst ADHD. Let’s embark on this empowering journey towards holistic well-being and fulfilment together.


Free discovery call – let’s discuss affordability. Packages are available at discounted rates starting at £40 per session. Access to work grants accepted.

At the heart of my coaching philosophy lies a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. The pricing of my coaching services is tailored to the affordability of each individual. I aim to ensure that no one is excluded from receiving the support they need. The cost of our sessions will be determined by various factors, including the complexity of the personalised program we develop together and the duration of our collaboration. By prioritising flexibility and understanding, I aim to make my services accessible to all, fostering a supportive environment where everyone can embark on their journey towards holistic well-being.


Monday – Sunday. 9 am – 9 pm.

Book using the enquiry form on ADHD UK for a free discovery call. I will then send a Calendly Link with my availability for you to schedule future sessions via Zoom or your preferred choice.

Additional offerings: ( Available from May 2024 )

Introducing the Personal ADHD Chef Program: a comprehensive nutrition and cooking workshop for parents and individuals, available online or in-person (location dependent) over five days (bespoke options available). Each day entails 2-3 hours of guided meal preparation, focusing on nutritious foods that support optimal brain function for the ADHD brain. Additionally, the program includes three one-hour follow-up sessions spread over three months to ensure the successful implementation of new eating habits. Each workshop and session is tailored to your needs and goals. The cost and duration vary based on availability and desired outcomes

In the Personal Chef Program workshop, we’ll embark on a culinary journey to fuel your body and mind with nutritious foods. We’ll cover a range of meals, including breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner, focusing on recipes rich in vitamins, nutrients, and superfoods that boost cognitive function and dopamine levels.

During our time together, you’ll learn essential cooking techniques and gain insights into the nutritional value of each ingredient we use. I’ll provide valuable information on the importance of nutrition and how specific foods can impact cognitive function, mood, and overall health.

If you have any existing concerns or dietary restrictions, I highly recommend undergoing specific intolerance and allergy tests for optimal results. I work closely with York Test UK, and I can offer discounted rates for these tests, ensuring you have the resources to thrive on your journey to better nutrition and well-being.

Get ready to embark on an educational culinary journey customised just for you! This workshop will leave you feeling enlightened as we explore the transformative power of clean, organic eating at an affordable price. As Hippocrates wisely said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Through our sessions, you’ll gain a newfound understanding of your digestive system and learn how to fuel your body with the nutrients it craves. Just like a Ferrari needs premium petrol, your body deserves optimal fuel to power your nervous system on a cellular level. I’m here to guide you every step of the way towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Now accepting bookings for summer 2024.


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