
Personally Organised | Tracy McCoull



About Tracy:

Hi, I’m Tracy and I’m so happy that you decided to take a moment to read this little bit about me x

I’m a wife, a mommy, a fierce and loyal friend and I’m also a professionally registered personal home organiser.

(I’ll let you into a little secret – I’ve not always been a tidy person. I remember my grandma telling a very messy 7-year-old me that she would never come to my house for a visit because my house would be a tip …… If only she could see my home now, it’s a far cry from the chaos of my childhood bedroom).

I’m passionate about helping people to live more organised lives and I hope that you find this helpful to you.

My personal connection to ADHD is that both my son and my husband have been diagnosed. I know from personal experience that when a home becomes cluttered and disorganised this can lead to stress, anxiety and an unbalanced home. I understand from a personal perspective how important it is to have a home that functions for everyone who lives there (even the dog!), and when you add systems to your spaces, this creates the calm and organised home that works for everyone.

Professionally I worked as a Learning Disability nurse in Children’s mental health in-patient and community services for 15 years. During this time I worked closely with

I love problem solving and helping to resolve home organisational challenges for my clients. Finding effective and sustainable solutions to make the best use of disorganised spaces is where I find my happy place.

I’m a passionate environmentalist and recycle, re-purpose and re-use are core principles of Personally Organised and I love that I can bring these values into my work.

I honestly believe that when you have a space for everything and everything is in its place – life is so much easier (& more beautiful)

Tracy xx

Product and Pricing:

Free Discovery Call to see how I can help you with your organisation projects.

In Person or Online Personal Organising: £40 per hour (minimum 2-hour session)

  • Professional Personal Organising Service – Worldwide Online Coaching or In-Home (North East England – Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Cumbria)
  • ADHD-friendly practical problem-solving solution to home / work / life organisational challenges.
  •  All sessions are tailored to suit your needs and the needs of those who live in your home.




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