
Kaye Heyes | ADHD Coaching and NLP



Kaye Heyes | ADHD Coaching and NLP

Kaye at Positively ADHD offers generous, compassionate 1:1 or group coaching to enable you to connect to your whole self: head, heart, body and soul. She’ll guide you to access your inner compass and wisdom to gain clarity on who you want to become and the next steps you’re choosing to take to get there.

Through a nurturing yet stretching programme of coaching, workshops and events, you will experience the power of being compassionately witnessed and supported in your journey to self-acceptance. Even if you’ve spent your whole life not knowing who you are, it’s now time to heal your past, uncover the real you and step into your true power to create a life you love.

If you’re outwardly successful, but permanently exhausted and over-relying on your huge to-do list and perseverance to push on through, her approach is for you.

Why Positively ADHD?

Kaye set up Positively ADHD to spread the hope that an ADHD diagnosis can be a whole new chapter, wherever you are in your life. She knows it’s possible because she’s been where you are. She always knew that she deserved more, but she couldn’t figure out how to get there until she understood her neurodivergence.

Kaye’s turning point, like so many others’, came during Covid. She was awarded a scholarship to study for a Masters’ in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology as she wanted to research flourishing, thriving and the importance of meaning after a lifetime of living in survival mode. And all she learned studying positive psychology was supremely valuable. But her biggest lightbulb moment was realising that most people didn’t have to wait until midnight the night before to start writing the darn essay. And when a friend suggested she Google ADHD, everything changed.

It’s not been plain sailing since then. There have been a lot of tears. And frustration. And grief. As well as a whole heap of forgiveness, and laughter and joy. And the biggest gift of all is the deep understanding she now has of her brain, body and nervous system, which she now shares with other late-diagnosed neurodivergent adults.

Positive psychology doesn’t encourage us to focus only on our positive emotions but instead, sees the gifts in all our emotions. In the same way, Positively ADHD acknowledges the reality that it is much harder living in a neuro-normative world that’s not designed with us in mind, at the same time as recognising and celebrating the gifts that ADHD can bring.

Kaye can help empower you to advocate for your own needs – at work, at home, in relationships – so that living in the world becomes much easier. Then you can free up your unique brain, start to uncover the wonder of you and create a life you love.

ADHD and the importance of self-care:

Kaye understands how exhausting it is to live in a world that doesn’t suit your neurotype. When every day you can feel:

  • on the edge of burnout
  • constantly overwhelmed and exhausted
  • overcommitted and people pleasing
  • guilty because you’re neglecting your self-care
  • not able to shake off difficult emotions because of rejection sensitivity (RSD)
  • measuring your self-worth by how productive and useful you are to others
  • tyrannised by a giant to do list, all the while procrastinating starting anything.

Kaye’s neuro-affirmative approach offers a way through: a safe and compassionate way to support your nervous system and move towards self-acceptance, understanding and belonging. Because you deserve to be fully, authentically you.

Kaye runs the monthly ADHD UK Self Care group because she knows how difficult it can be for us to put our own needs first, and the huge difference it makes when we start prioritising our own care.


“Before coaching, my daily experience was of feeling overwhelmed with tasks I had to do at work and home. I was attempting to deal with things by pushing through and working harder. Through coaching, I’ve become more aware of burnout and what might be sustainable. I’d thoroughly recommend Kaye because she offers warm yet professional coaching, combined with in-depth knowledge of ADHD from a personal and academic perspective. And one unexpected benefit has been the deeper reflections on my close and wider family relationships.”

MC, Communications Manager

“I chose Kaye because she talked about thriving with ADHD as opposed to coping with ADHD. I don’t want to go through life coping – I want to thrive and be the full me and not have to hide myself away or feel shame about the things that I find hard. I chose Kaye because she didn’t talk about strategies, she talked about being authentic and I love that. I also liked the fact she had a laughter yoga qualification, and we did laugh a lot, her approach to listening to our bodies was brilliant for me as it helped me to be more mindful.”

JH, Partnership Lead at a third sector organisation

“On paper, I looked like a high-achieving individual, and I presented as a put-together, intelligent, independent woman. Behind the mask, I felt I was not fulfilling my full potential. Since childhood, I have struggled with cycles of burnout due to the demands of living in a world that doesn’t fit my neurotype. Through coaching, I now have a more balanced and nuanced view of my strengths. I continue learning new things about myself and how my mind works, and I am embracing my authentic self. I also now take time to practice reflective writing to help me process my thoughts and feelings and reflect on the progress I have made.”

EG, Scientist and Innovator


  • Certified Specialist in ADHD Coaching Certificate (Gold Mind Academy, 2024)
  • Focusing Practitioner Training (due to complete in 2024)
  • Foundations in Polyvagal Theory (2023)
  • MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London (2022)
  • Trained laughter yoga leader (2020)
  • Master practitioner in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) (2015)
  • Diploma in nutritional therapy (2013)

Professional Information

  • Accredited senior practitioner with the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) (2020)
  • Senior member of ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists) (2020)
  • Professional member of the ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization)
  • Receives monthly 1:1 coaching supervision, regular CPD and follows the EMCC’s Global Ethical Code of Practice

A bit more about Kaye:

Kaye lives on the Kent coast and gets to swim in the sea most days, and loves having the freedom to choose when, where and with whom I work, so that I can be around for my two kids (and two cats!) when they need me most.

Before her own and her kids’ neurospicy diagnoses (we have all the bases covered in our house!) she had had over 20 years’ professional experience in universities, colleges and training organisation. This included heading up an FE college’s SEN department, managing a team in a university careers department and managing a European-wide project for women returning to work after a career break. She had always been passionate about ensuring everyone has equal access to opportunities, whether working for a trades union or a women’s centre and now she gets to help people understand their unique brains and nervous systems.


Access to Work programmes are bespoke and co-created with you, based on an hourly rate of £125. Book a discovery call on my website to find out more.

Self-funding individuals are offered a sliding scale of £90-125 per hour.

Most clients see me for 75 minutes every 2 weeks, but we can talk about what would work best for you on your discovery call.



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