
Henry Shelford Coaching | Founder & CEO of ADHD UK


Henry is the CEO and Co-Founder of ADHD UK. Henry had a late-stage adult diagnosis of ADHD. He has since made it his goal help people with ADHD thrive.

Prior to founding ADHD UK Henry had a career in finance, venture capital, successful turnaround CEO and owner of his own business. He has operated at the board level of organisations for the last 20 years.

He has Coach training from the Flow Coaching Institute and is a mental health first aider. He has three degrees. From King’s College London, the University of Manchester, and an MBA from Darden, University of Virginia where he had a full Batten Scholarship, was the first non-US citizen to be elected student President, and awarded the C Sheppard Leadership Prize. In 2022 he was awarded the Point of Light award by the Prime Minister for his work during the Covid Pandemic.

Henry has contributed his ADHD expertise across UK media including the BBC, ITV, SKY, The Guardian, The Sun on Sunday, LBC, Talk Radio, Times Radio and others.

Henry’s coaching focuses on helping adults with ADHD fulfil their potential – to thriving with ADHD. He is particularly focused on newly diagnosed adults, ADHD and the Workplace, and ADHD and being a Senior Executive.

Individual sessions are priced at £150 per session. Blocks of 6 have a discount of £100 – equivalent to a little under £134 per session.

More information on his website : henryshelford.com. Which also offers booking of introductory chat, sessions and packages.

Henry is currently fully booked. If you are interested in coaching from Henry Shelford please register interest via his website he will then in touch in due course.

Advice Sessions

These sessions are provided by Henry for you to get private advice on all aspects of ADHD. These sessions can include :

  • Advice on supporting an Employee with ADHD
  • Advice for Human Resources and Line Managers managing an employee(s) with ADHD.
  • Advice on talking to your Employer about your own ADHD
  • Reasonable Adjustments and Access to Work
  • Advice on ADHD Diagnosis Pathways
  • Or other areas of ADHD.

These sessions offer dedicated time in a private setting. You can also access free advice in a group session via Henry’s publicly accessible regular drop-in sessions.

Length: 50 minutes
Price: £150

Took book please use the calendar selection below:

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