
Graham Summerscales | All About Change


Graham Summerscales

Executive, ADHD Coach.                                                                                                                                        www.all-about-change.co.uk/adhd-coaching


Graham received his ADHD diagnosis aged 53 and since then he has been driven to learn why so many adults struggle to manage the condition. He wasn’t happy to sit back and let his diagnosis define him, instead, he has set about understanding it, which has led him to reflect on and decipher some of the battles he has faced throughout his life.

Graham really did find his time at school incredibly difficult and of course at the time would have no idea why, he also learned about the linkage between childhood trauma and ADHD and believes that in the years following the loss of his Father, when he was only 16 years old, that he suffered from PTSD. Also, on reflection, he can now recognise the impact of his ADHD on both platonic and romantic relationships, as this is something that has always been an issue throughout his life to date. With respect to the working world, Graham now can see why he sometimes found things complicated, whilst others around him seemed to succeed and move on more quickly than he did.

Graham’s drive to know why ADHD has held him back has also led to a thirst to learn about how equally the condition has assisted with the successes in his life. Rather than concede and accept the challenges brought about by the condition he has opted to  religiously study to learn more about how ADHD had affected him in the past and, more importantly, to start to embrace his struggles and understand how best he can utilise his learning to help others.

It has been important to establish how to be the best version of his ADHD self without the need for medication. Using successful techniques such as breathwork, cold water therapy, exercise, and a daily combination of daily herbal remedies has proven to be an effective  alternative to which Graham has felt the benefits.

On reflection across his life, amongst the difficult times, Graham also recognises the positive aspects of being an ADHDer, evidenced by the endless amounts of energy he possessed playing semi-professional rugby, his determination on the golf course, and the resilience he demonstrated throughout his career as an Area Sales Manager.

25 years of Graham’s career to date was spent working in the Construction/Electrical sector and this is where he found success as an Area Sales Manager. However, he finally found his vocation in life through his role as an Executive Coach, where he demonstrates a growth mindset along with typical qualities associated with ADHD such as passion, understanding, empathy, and positivity. Graham completed his studies in Executive Coaching and Mentoring at Oxford Brooks University and achieved the highest coaching qualification possible at the time. Graham then moved into the learning and development sector, bolting on various other qualifications including personality profiling for recruitment and development.

Graham has coached and trained clients from middle management to board level, conducted C-Suite recruitment programs, and led team development work that has taken him to all corners of the world such as America, Thailand, Brazil, and Europe.

He’s worked with individuals and teams across the globe, supported organisations through mergers, acquisitions, and redundancies, and provided outplacement support and career coaching for employees.

Fast forwarding to understanding himself post-diagnosis, has led him to immerse himself in additional learning not only to understand himself but to support his coaching practice and the people he coaches.

It’s a natural meeting of the two disciplines, Executive and ADHD coaching where Graham has the desire to support owners, managers, and directors who employ neurodivergent employees.

It’s not always easy for the neurotypical to understand how an ADHD’er thinks, and Graham’s approach is to coach and co-coach the neurodivergent and neurotypical to encourage and help develop successful outcomes for both parties.

And as if that wasn’t enough, he’s an expert in psychometric profiling, having trained as a practitioner in MBTI and 16pf.

When he’s not helping our clients reach their potential, Graham is an avid sportsman, having played Rugby for Great Britain at the Amateur level. Now he’s slightly older, he spends more time on golf courses than rugby pitches, but perfection is still key. No matter how low his handicap gets, (currently, 9 if you’re interested), he’s on a drive to get better.


  • Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development  2010
  • 16 pf (personality profiling) – Qualified Practitioner – 2013
  • Myers Briggs (MBTI) Step I Practitioner – 2014
  • Myers Briggs (MBTI) Teambuilding – 2015
  • Myers Briggs (MBTI) Step II Practitioner – 2016
  • TKI Conflict Management
  • TA 101 Transactional Analysis
  • ADHD For All – 2023 ICF accredited


ADHD Coaching for Business leaders, Owners, Entrepreneurs and for HR professionals that want to help their staff thrive and succeed at work.


  • The number of sessions will depend on the nature of the needs of the client. However, I charge £120/ per hour.
  • Block bookings for six sessions and above, will qualify for a free off, charge follow-up session.
  • Group work – price on application.


Are you a business leader, owner, entrepreneur with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) trying to understand and manage your ADHD symptoms? Or are you an HR professional wanting to support employees within the business. Our tailored coaching programmes are developed for you. Graham’s task-based ADHD coaching providing the tools necessary to improve focus, productivity, and communication strategies for high achieving professionals struggling with their ADHD challenges. We provide invaluable insights and strategies for exploring the unique deficits and strengths associated with the disorder.

Our approach is collaborative in nature, helping each client create an individualised coaching program suited to their needs. The sessions are filled with brain mapping activities that help each of our clients better understand his or her thought patterns, contextualise them within new ways of thinking about behaviour and gain deeper insights into self-reflection.

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