
Geraldine Mynors | Big G Therapy




  • ACT Counselling Services Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy & Groupwork
  • COSCA Counselling Skills Certificate

About Geraldine: I’m a psychotherapist and have many years of experience of working with people with ADHD, as well as with parents of children with ADHD. I am trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, a very well established form of counselling which works well for people with ADHD and is backed by strong evidence. However, I take a flexible approach based on each individual’s needs and preferences – for example if ‘homework’ was your least favourite part of school, I’m not going to give you lots of worksheets to complete!

You may be at a point where you are wondering whether you have ADHD, or you may have had a diagnosis. I can help you to understand what ADHD is and how it affects you individually, as well as pointing you towards information and strategies which can help you. However, my main focus is on your mental wellbeing. You may be struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression or difficulties in your relationships at work at home. Having ADHD can play into your mental health from early childhood onwards: the messages you were given by others around you and that you have given yourself may have impacted very negatively on your self-image. Of course life can throw lots of other events at us as well.

Together we will work through how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours have developed, and how they help or don’t help you. As a result, you will come to know yourself much better and feel more equipped to face life’s challenges with hope and confidence.

Counselling Session: 

50 mins (Zoom or face to face in Finnieston, Glasgow)

  • £80 one off session
  • £70 if you book 4 sessions or more


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