
Franck Brown | Conscious Clarity



About Franck:

Hello. I’m Franck.

I’m a Neurodiversity Coach, Educator & Trainer with lived experience of ADHD & Dyspraxia.

My own diagnoses came later in life, only after graduating university & several years of professional experience. Without realising it, I’d spent 30 years learning the importance of self-management ‘the hard way’, without any Coaching of my own.

I feel strongly that ADHD, Dyspraxia or any condition is only something we have, not something we are are. There’s plenty more to be experienced in life beyond it.

Are you looking to…

•Better understand yourself and/or a diagnosis?

•Develop important life skills?

•Better understand and use your strengths?

•Develop your own tools to help in daily life?

•Gain confidence and reach your goals?

Our Coaching can help you
– Unlock your potential
– Understand your ADHD or Autism
– Understand your strengths
– Improve working with others
– Better communicate
– Better prioritise and plan
– Improve self-confidence
– Achieve your goals

Find Franck’s website here: www.consciousclarity.co.uk


Discovery Call

Book a free, no-obligation discovery call. During this 25 minute call we will help identify your needs and discuss how our range of solutions could make a real difference to you.

the Core Package (6 sessions)

the More Package (12 sessions that include a large range of extra tools and resources included in the price)

Submit Enquiry

Insert your details here and someone from Conscious Clarity will get in touch with you.

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