
Denisa Sanikova | ADHD Life and Business Coach




EMCC accredited coach/mentor at the level of Senior Practitioner
MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology
MA in Marketing Management
BA in Business Studies with Spanish

Work with me:


My name is Denisa and I too have ADHD.

I am an accredited coach and well-being practitioner with a background in business, marketing and performing arts. I specialise in working with individuals with ADHD and divergent thinkers.

ADHD minds are often full of ideas, curiosity and excitement and hold so much potential. However, we sometimes might feel overwhelmed by turmoil in our minds and struggle to bring those ideas together. Choosing the way forward, decision-making, prioritising and bringing the projects to completion might seem like a challenge. With so many things to strive for it may be difficult to maintain a work-life balance and healthy well-being. The traditional tips for productivity do not work that well. Our minds function differently and hence need different tools to think effectively, make decisions and execute. With the right tailored approach, ADHDers are capable of wonders.

And that is where my passion and speciality lie with my lived experience of late diagnosis of ADHD, coaching psychology and wellbeing training and research into divergent thinking styles, as well as business and marketing background shall your creative mind take you towards the entrepreneurial direction.

Using positive psychology, coaching psychology, strength-based approach, embodiment and somatics, we will work together to find a way to take advantage of the potential of your creative mind while staying aligned with your values and living a balanced life.

Together we can work on:

-Clarity of your values, goals and meaning
-Creating a plan of how to tackle your upcoming projects or challenges
-Developing practical tools and strategies that work with your unique brain to enable it to reach its potential
-Taking advantage of the potential of your creative mind without feeling overwhelmed by being drawn towards many different directions
-Identifying your strengths, building resilience and a toolkit to cope with the challenges and improving your well-being
-Synthesising your ideas, making decisions, finding the best way forwards and maintaining focus
-Working through limiting thought patterns and habits
-Balance of performance and well-being to create sustainable progress and fulfilling life

I offer a variety of packages to suit individual needs and budgets. Please do not get overwhelmed by them. You can book a free discovery session where we will get to know each other and go through your needs and expectations together to choose the most suitable way of working together. This session is free with no obligation to continue with further sessions. You can book it here.

About me:

I have spent years trying to figure out what is the one thing I am supposed to do in my life while having my mind whirling with thousands of ideas. I struggled with either wanting to do everything or nothing at all, either feeling like I can conquer the world or just feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious. I wanted to do something meaningful and believed I had the potential for more but was unable to move forward and I could not understand why. Until I got diagnosed with ADHD. This was during the time when I was studying positive psychology and coaching psychology and researching divergent thinkers for my master’s dissertation.

I understood that ADHD minds work differently. We struggle because what we need to think and function effectively is very often not accommodated. However, with the right strategies we can flourish, successfully cope with challenges and take advantage of the potential of our creative minds.

Initial 30 min discovery session FREE

This is just for us to get to know each other, discuss your needs and expectations, for you to get a feel of my work and ask any questions to see if it feels like a good fit. There is no obligation to continue with further sessions.

You can book it here: https://www.denisasanikova.com/contact-us

One-off coaching session – 1×60 min £100

One 60-minute session to focus on what you currently need support with.

Please book a free discovery session to get to know each other, discuss your needs and expectations and see if working together feels like a good fit.

You can book it here: https://www.denisasanikova.com/contact-us

Decision intensive – 2×90 min £250
Have you been stuck on a question or decision for a while? Does it seem like there are just too many aspects involved to be able to make a decision and move forward?
Then this intervention is for you. It has been designed specifically for divergent thinkers like you to support you in making decisions and gaining clarity of direction.Two sessions of 90 minutes using a unique approach specifically tailored to divergent thinking styles to support you in making that decision you have been stuck on. In the first session, we will focus on exploring all the aspects involved and influencing your decision, working through them and arriving at a decision that feels right for you in your mind as well your body, rationally as well as emotionally. In the second session, we’ll tackle any remaining sense of misalignment and clarify the next steps.Please book a free discovery session here: https://www.denisasanikova.com/contact-us
Package – 5x60min £450 (£90 per session)
– Using an individual approach tailored to your unique needs, blending coaching psychology, positive psychology, performance coaching and embodiment; we will work on a variety of challenges, intentions and goals such as:
– Balance of performance and well-being to create sustainable progress and fulfilling life
– Practical and actionable tools and strategies to help you progress by working with your mind rather than against it
– Clarity of your values, goals and meaning
– Finding the best way forward
– Identifying your strengths and improving well being
– Creating a plan of how to tackle your upcoming projects or challenges
– Working through obstacles and challenges in the process of execution
– Working through limiting thought patterns and habits

Please book a free discovery session here: https://www.denisasanikova.com/contact-us

Package Plus – Coaching + accountability from £290

With ADHD executive function and procrastination can often be a challenge. Accountability is one of the great ways to tackle that.
Package Plus is a set of coaching sessions similar to the Package with the addition of brief check-ins in between to keep you accountable. This check-in can be done in the form of shorter video calls, voice calls or chat. Times, frequency and lengths of the session as well as check-ins are flexible and can be adjusted to your needs and budget (For example if your budget only allows you to have one full coaching session a month, the brief accountability check-ins are a good and affordable option to help you stay on track in the meantime).

Please book a free discovery session here: https://www.denisasanikova.com/contact-us

Access to Work quotes available. 

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