
ADHD Minds: Workshops and group coaching for ADHD Support


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  • Masters of Science (MSc) in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (University of East London)
  • Understanding ADHD: Current Research and Practice (Kings College London)
  • International Certificate in Laughter Yoga Leadership (Laughter Yoga International University)
  • Master Practitioner in Neuro-linguistic Programming – NLP (INLPTA)
  • Diploma in Nutritional Therapy (College of Naturopathic Medicine)
  • Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language – TEFL (UCLAN)
  • B.A. (Hons) in Social and Political Science, (University of Cambridge)
About Kaye
– I support people of all ages and backgrounds to increase their confidence, reduce anxiety, and increase joy and clarity in their lives through a holistic approach.


I have a passion for enabling people with ADHD realise their potential and take real steps towards their dreams, fuelled by my own real-life experience and especially understand the challenges that a late diagnosis of ADHD can bring.


Whilst studying for my Master’s in 2021, I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyspraxia at the age of 51. And suddenly my life made sense! I realised that a lifetime of struggles with anxiety and depression, imposter syndrome, self-harm and disordered eating were not because I was ‘broken’ but were due to my not understanding my differently-wired brain. This finally helped me to make sense of my life-long struggles and recognise the various strategies I had developed to
both mask and overcome my executive function and mental health challenges. Undiagnosed ADHD unfortunately led to a 40 years+ struggle with the shame of unrealised potential and a history of self-medicating with harmful
behaviours. Now I am able to bring this deep understanding and lived experience of trauma to my coaching.


My passion, born from these experiences, is helping people understand themselves easier and earlier than I did, so that they can develop their own strategies for their unique brains and ways of experiencing the world. I combine psychoeducation, trauma awareness and practical and creative NLP techniques with the science of positive psychology. I want to help people move beyond surviving to thriving, as I have. I help people connect to their strengths, motivations, and values and make incremental changes in their daily lives, which can quickly build up to substantial transformation.


I have also supported others to manage chronic health conditions after experiencing chronic pain over many years myself. I studied for a diploma in nutritional therapy to better manage my own condition and I am able to
bring a holistic approach to my coaching, to include a focus on sleep, exercise, the breath, food, and use of supplements.


ADHD Minds: Workshops and group coaching for ADHD Support
ADHD Minds run workshops, groups and 1:1 coaches for individuals and organisations for those who think differently.
We combine the power of positive psychology and coaching psychology with lived experience of ADHD.

You can find out about our workshops and group coaching here on Eventbrite.
Group coaching sessions are run throughout the year: both women-only and mixed groups.
These work out cheaper than 1:1 coaching and will also introduce you to a wonderful network of ADHD
supporters and cheerleaders.


You can contact Kaye using the form below with any enquiries.
“If you would like to experience what it would be like to work with me, you can book a free 30 minute discovery call via my website or here
You can also read testimonials from my clients on my website: https://happieryou.co.uk/


ADHD Minds run workshops throughout the year, which start at £5 for those on a low income.
Group coaching starts at £195 for those on income-related benefits.
October 2022 sessions are £375 for 5 group meetings and two 1:1 coaching sessions.
Contact Kaye with the form below to find out more

Submit Enquiry

Insert your details here and Kaye will get in touch with you.

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