
ADHD & Positive Parenting Solutions Course


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ADHD & Positive Parenting Solutions Course

About Bernadette

Bernadette is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with decades of experience working with families and adults diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis of ADHD. As well as experience of living with a neurodiverse family, she is the co-founder of ADHD Lancashire and has been a topic expert on ADHD for the Nice Guidelines.

Bernadette is also a qualified Parenting Practitioner for the 123 Magic Parenting Course.

About the ADHD & Positive Parenting Solutions Course

This course is for parents and caregivers of children and teens recently diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis of ADHD. It is delivered over 5 weeks, interactively over 90 minutes Zoom sessions.

You have the option of daytime sessions and evening sessions when booking.

What the course covers:
ï‚· A deeper understanding of ADHD and Co-occurring condition
ï‚· Natural alternatives to medication
ï‚· How medications work on the ADHD brain
ï‚· Looking at stress and destressing exercises to de-escalate behaviours
ï‚· Stopping unwanted behaviours
ï‚· Avoiding the Talk-Persuade-Argue and yelling
ï‚· Six Types of Testing and Manipulation
ï‚· Misbehaviour in Public: What You Can Do
ï‚· Getting up and out in the morning
ï‚· How to get your children to pick up after themselves
ï‚· Making mealtimes more enjoyable
ï‚· Avoiding homework battles
ï‚· How to get your children to bed and stay there
ï‚· How to encourage and respect your child's growing independence
ï‚· Exercise self-control and be an effective disciplinarian at the same time
ï‚· Useful resources
ï‚· Workbook for notes on your weekly sessions

We keep our groups small, to give you time to explore what you have learned and ask any questions you may have. It’s an amazing opportunity to meet others on a similar journey, in a safe non-judgemental environment. We also offer peer support through a private Facebook group and a monthly course catch-up meeting as and when needed.

Recent Feedback

I thought the session was very informative, it was packed with humour and was very true to detail, it
made me feel NORMAL and supported for the first time in 28 years and answered a few questions I
had. Bernadette was polite and professional at all times and very knowledgeable.
Brilliant service, worth every penny so far, and I know it will only get better, a very detailed course,
where you have a lot of course content. See you next session, me and mum can’t wait, been eye-
opening 🙂

Rebecca – Mum and adult with ADHD


Bernadette is very knowledgeable about ADHD and great at facilitating so everyone is included, and
it’s great to meet other parents going through a similar situation.
The programme is easy to understand and to start with our children. It is already reducing conflict
and arguments and it’s making our home feel a lot calmer for all of us.
I would recommend this course to any parents it works with all or our 3 children.

Sally – Mum


  • £35 per session
  • £175 for the 5-week course

Book your place today as places are limited



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