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Ask an ADHD & Autism Coach- with Lex Harvey-Bryn

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to “Ask an ADHD Coach” any questions you might have. With ADHD Coach Lex Harvey-Bryn. Following her own ADHD diagnosis, Lex has been on an intense learning & growth journey. ADHD has gifts no one could imagine, but with the sweets comes the sours & this has led to Lex experiencing the difficulties that […]

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ADHD and Women Support Group- with ADHD Coach Katie Friedman

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to share and learn from each other on the experience of ADHD for women with Katie Friedman. Katie is a professional ADHD Coach with advanced ADHD specialist training. She works with late diagnosed ADHDers. She is also an ADHD coach trainer. This event will be held over Google Meets. You will receive […]

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Breathwork Practice with Jax Bull

Virtual Event Virtual Event

***Please note: Jax will not be able to admit any latecomers*** Jax Bull is offering a monthly Breathwork practice to help calm the busy ADHD mind. Jax Bull is a Counsellor, Breathwork Facilitator and Interfaith Minister. She has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and has found Breathwork a really good way of calming her own […]

See below for pricing

ADHD & Women Support Group – with Avon Harpley

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

PLEASE NOTE THIS SESSIONS HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO WEDNESDAY, 29TH NOVEMBER 12-1PM. Please join us to share and learn from each other on the topic of ADHD and Women with Coach, Avon Harpley. This event will be held over Google Meets. You will receive an email with the meeting information. There is no charge for […]

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ADHD & Anger/Frustration – with David Flavin

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to share and learn from each other on the topic of ADHD & Anger with ADHD Therapist, David Flavin. This event will be held over Google Meets. You will receive an email with the meeting link after you checkout. There is no charge for our drop in advice clinics or our support […]

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Drop-in Advice Clinic- with Henry Shelford (ADHD UK Chairperson and Co-Founder)

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This drop-in advice clinic is to provide guidance on ADHD Assessments, UK diagnosis, NHS ADHD processes, ADHD understanding and knowledge, corporate and employment advice. All given in an informal drop-in setting. Come and ask your questions. Listen and learn to the questions (and answers) of others. This event will be held over Google Meets. You […]

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ADHD and Students Support Group – with Kaye Heyes

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to share and learn from each other on the topic of ADHD and Students with Kaye Heyes. Kaye provides ADHD Coaching with NLP and Positive psychology support. She is also a laughter yoga practitioner. This event will be held over Google Meets. You will receive an email with the meeting information after […]

See below for pricing

Ask an ADHD Coach- with Natasha Hickling

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to "Ask an ADHD Coach" any questions you might have. With ADHD Coach Natasha Hickling. Natasha Hickling is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with a background in primary education and Special Educational Needs. After a few years in education, she left the UK to pursue international experience, where after became a SENCO […]

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Ask an ADHD Coach- with Franck Brown

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to “Ask an ADHD Coach” any questions you might have. With ADHD Coach Franck Brown. Franck is a formally-accredited Neurodiversity Coach, Educator & Trainer with lived experience of Dyspraxia & ADHD. His diagnoses came later in life, at 23 and 30 respectively, only after graduating university and several years of professional experience in the […]

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ADHD and Children Support Group- with Dr Nilushi Weerapperuma

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to share and learn from each other on the topic of "ADHD and Children". Talking about having ADHD in childhood and being a parent or carer of a child with ADHD. Dr Nilushi Weerapperuma is a Paediatrician Consultant at Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust. She specialises in Paediatric Neurodiversity, and is passionate […]

See below for pricing

Ask an ADHD Career Coach – with Nikki Hardy

Google Meet
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us to learn ask questions to, and learn from, ADHD Career Coach, Nikki Hardy. Nikki is a certified ADHD life coach and Licensed Firework Career Coach. She was diagnosed with ADHD in her early 40s. She predominantly works with Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Career Changers. There is no charge for our drop in advice […]

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