Please join us to “Ask an ADHD Coach” any questions you might have. With ADHD Coach Lex Harvey-Bryn.
Following her own ADHD diagnosis, Lex has been on an intense learning & growth journey. ADHD has gifts no one could imagine, but with the sweets comes the sours & this has led to Lex experiencing the difficulties that ADHD brings. Lex is passionate about working with Adults with ADHD to understand their own superpowers and Kryptonite.
We receive no government funds. Fundraising is extremely difficult because of the economic climate and because of the discrimination and stigma that means many can’t be out and ask for fundraising sponsorship. That means any donation you give is extremely valued and is the only way we can do the work we do.
We ask for a donation regardless of size. Even 1p. With a suggested donation of £5.
If you are not in a position to donate then we still want to welcome you and have you attend. Simply put in the suggested donation and place the tickets in your basket, generate your coupon here, and use the coupon to 100% discount the basket.